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Anatomy and Physiology: Guide Home

Research Starter

Here is a list of the most useful sources for anatomy and physiology. Some strategies for getting your research started are:

  • Consult reference books and databases for an overview of a topic or quick information.
  • Find books and ebooks from the library collection and ebook databases for in-depth information.
  • Search journal databases and indexes for articles with the most current research.

Frequently-used Resources

Journal Collections

Ebook Databases

Print Books

Print books on anatomy and physiology are likely to have shelving numbers starting with the following letters:

  • QL - Zoology
  • QM - Human anatomy
  • QP - Physiology


A selection of ebooks from the library collection: 


There are also videos available for streaming through a number of our databases.

Some videos directly related to anatomy and physiology are:

Free Anatomy and Physiology Resources on the Web

Free Biology Resources on the Web

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
James Gill
South College Library
3904 Lonas Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37909