Information about the services available for Orlando students.
South College
6649 Westwood Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32821
Orlando students and faculty are welcome to schedule appointments to meet with a librarian online to get help with projects and research. The librarian will send you a link to a Zoom meeting.
Select a librarian from the list, or choose the Appointments button on your Program Librarian's profile box.
Orlando faculty and students have access to the full suite of online resources available through the library website. These include databases, ebooks, ejournals, and streaming video.
In addition to the lists on the library homepage, the resources are also broken down by program. Each Program Guide provides students with links to the resources recommended for them by librarians and faculty.
While the library collection provides access to a wide variety of content, we also recognize that we don't have it all. When you find an article or book you need that isn't in the library collection, our Interlibrary Loan department is here to request a copy for you from another library.
The library offers a Library Orientation Course in Canvas for all locations and programs. The online library orientation provides students with an overview of the library resources and services available to them as South College students. Additional modules include information about searching the library collection and resources, Interlibrary Loan, and program specific resources.
Video tutorials about the library and library services for students.
Online faculty and students can contact a librarian for help. Librarians staff the Ask a Librarian chat and answer emails and text message questions during regular staffed hours. You can also schedule an appointment online and meet with your subject librarian over the phone or via Zoom for help with library resources, research help, or a virtual library orientation.
Contact the Library
Call: 865-251-1832
Text: 865-217-7631
Or drop a question in our Ask a Librarian chat.
Student printing at the Orlando campus is in the the resource center. The dedicated student printer and computer lab are available during library access hours ( M-F 7am - 10:30pm). The library's student laptops also print wirelessly to the student printer. Printing costs three cents ($0.03) per page.
Currently, printing is only available in black and white.
The library student printer also functions as a photocopier and scanner.
Photocopies cost five cents ($0.05) per page. Scanned jobs are sent to e-mail addresses entered by the user.
All South College students automatically receive a printing/photocopying account, and can add credit to their accounts online with a debit or credit card. To add credit to your print account:
South College ID Cards
All South College faculty, staff, and students are issued a South College ID card. At the Orlando, ID cards are issued in the resource center. The library is equipped with a camera and a card printer so IDs can be made on an as needed basis. Have questions or need your card reprinted? Contact the library at 407-447-6911.
If you would like to email a photo to be printed on your ID please send an email to
Did you know? Your ID card is also your library card!