From the General Studies Department: All work must be original, reflecting the student’s own ideas and work. Plagiarism is using someone else’s work (exact words, paraphrased thoughts, ideas, etc.) without giving proper credit.
There are different types of plagiarism. Although not comprehensive, the following list contains types of plagiarism (examples taken from Turnitin):
Clone: Submitting another’s work, word-for-word, as one’s own
Find-Replace: Changing key words and phrases, but retaining essential content of the source
Remix: Paraphrases from multiple sources, made to fit together
Recycle: Borrows generously from the writer’s previous work without citation
Hybrid: Combines perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation
Mashup: Mixes copied material from multiple sources
404 Error: Includes citations to non-existent or inaccurate sources
Aggregator: Includes proper citations, but contains almost no original work
Purchase: Purchasing an essay, any portion of an essay, or purchasing writing services
You can avoid plagiarism by including a list at the end of your paper called a reference list. This list will contain each source you use when writing your paper as a citation. With APA format, you also include in-text citations that refer each quote or summary of another's work back to the reference list. For more information on avoiding plagiarism, check out our APA Guide and our AMA Guide.
Course submission material generated by AI programs (e.g. ChatGPT) must be properly cited as a resource for any academic submission. For more information on this, read the full, South College policy here: