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Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Search Results: Content Types

Depending upon how you do your search, you'll land on several different types of pages which lead to additional content. Here are some of the likely possibilities:


The Overview page provides a brief summary of the topic and contains links to additional content. This additional content comes in various formats (viewpoint essays, videos, audio, infographics, etc.). Click on "Read More" to read an expanded overview of the topic.

Expanded Overview

The Expanded Overview provides a detailed summary of the topic, spotlights Main Ideas, offers Critical Thinking Questions, and provides a citation tool. In addition, the Expanded Overview connects you to more resources about the topic and other related subjects. 

Featured Viewpoints & Viewpoint Essays

From an Overview page, click on Featured Viewpoints & Viewpoint essays. A viewpoint essay reflects the opinion of the writer(s) and usually asserts an argument that takes a side on an important, controversial issue. 

Other Content Types

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, offers many other types of content. These alternative content types present valuable information in various formats. Among the different types are audio files, videos, infographics, statistics, reference sources, academic journals, and links to websites.