The removal crews will make several passes in each zone until all debris is clear. It will take weeks to clear each zone. Residents do not need to wait for notification that trucks will be in their zone before putting out debris. The city is posting daily updates on debris removal and work zones are being announced in the daily Buncombe County briefings at 11 AM. Visit the city’s website at for frequent updates on debris removal.
The community can place storm debris at the curb in the right of way. Debris should be separated at the curb by category: construction, appliances, electronics, vegetative, and household hazardous materials. There will be multiple passes at collection - you do not have to have it all out at once. The contractor cannot collect directly from private property. However, if your pile starts at the curb in the right-of-way and stretches into your yard in a continuous manner, their equipment can reach about 18 feet as long as there are no overhead lines or obstructions. Do not place or lean debris near or on trees, poles or other structures including fire hydrants, meters, and curbside trash carts. Do not block the roadway. Ensure access for large trucks & emergency vehicles.