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Graduate Education: Research Resources

Citation Tools

The cite tool featured in our Library Search, like other citation tools/makers, sometimes creates citations that have errors in them because they are machine generated. The Library Search cite tool has this disclaimer "Make any necessary corrections before using. Pay special attention to personal names, capitalization, and dates. Always consult your library resources for the exact formatting and punctuation guidelines."

Does this mean that you shouldn't use cite tools? No! It just means that you will need to check that your cite tool generated citations is correct and fix it where it is not. Using a cite tool is still a good idea. It's time saving in that you don't have to create a citation from scratch. Use what it gives you, but be sure to fix aspects of the created citation that do not conform with APA 7th rules. Refer to the Library's APA 7th Guide for help with APA 7th formatting. 

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

Interlibrary Loan, also known as ILL, is a borrowing service. All currently enrolled students, including currently enrolled Distance Education students, can use this service to borrow books and journal articles, that the library does not have in its collection, from another lending library. South College Library facilitates the interlibrary loan for its students. Because of copyright law and licensing agreements, South College Library does not process ILL requests for textbooks or ebooks. South College Library's delivery service for Distance Education students applies to interlibrary loan materials. 

Online Appointments

Online students and faculty are welcome to schedule appointments to meet with a librarian online to get help with projects and research.  The librarian will send you a link to a Zoom meeting. 

Select a librarian from the list, or choose the Appointments button on your Program Librarian's profile box. 

Google Scholar and Library Databases

Use Google Scholar to find scholarly journal articles. Follow these steps to link articles available in South College Library's databases to your Google Scholar search. 

  1.  Go to Google Scholar>Settings>Library Links and search South College.

  2. Check the box for South College - South College Full Text.

  3. Click Save.

Research Ebooks

Searching for Dissertations

Are you looking for dissertations similar to your own? The Advanced Library Search offers a Dissertations/Theses filter. Find the filter under Source Types.