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Home: Institutional Repository

About the IR

The Department of Library Services provides access to the South College Institutional Repository for the preservation and discovery of scholarly works created by faculty, staff, and students. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit scholarly works and publications to the repository.  Graduate student works produced in pursuit of completion of their program are submitted to the institutional repository as part of their completion requirements. The Institutional Repository is publicly searchable.  Full text documents are only accessible to current South College faculty, staff, and students.

Submission Process

Each academic department has a designated faculty member for the IR Team.  These faculty are responsible for the submission of graduate student, faculty, and staff works to the Institutional Repository for their academic department.  The Library's IR Team members collaborate with the faculty to ensure all submitted works are complete before being added to the Institutional Repository.

Once a submission is confirmed complete, it will be batched with other documents ready for upload.  The Library's IR Team will batch upload all new submissions on a monthly basis.  

Opt-out Process

Institutional Repository Statement for Graduate Works Required for Program Completion 
The South College Department of Library Services provides access to the South College Institutional Repository for the preservation and discovery of scholarly works created by faculty, staff, and students. Graduate student works produced in pursuit of completion of their program are submitted to the institutional repository as part of their completion requirements.  Graduate students who wish to opt out of the publicly searchable institutional repository must notify their academic program in writing.  

IR Team

You may contact the IR Team at with questions about the Institutional Repository.  Library staff on the IR Team will redirect your question to your academic department's representative.  

What can I submit to the IR?

Submissions may include: 

  • Articles*
  • Books or book chapters*
  • Capstones and capstone artifacts
  • Conference proceedings*
  • Dissertations
  • DNP Projects artifacts
  • Papers
  • Posters
  • Theses
  • Unpublished scholarly works

*When the author does not own the copyright to make the file publicly available, a citation-only entry may be included in the Institutional Repository.