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Pharmacy Program: Guide Home

Resources for students in the School of Pharmacy

Library Resources

Free Drug Resources

Pharmacy Ebook Collections


Additional Ebook Collections

Additional Health Science Journals

Pharmacist's Letter

Pharmacist's Letter access is provided through the School of Pharmacy for faculty and students. please contact Stephen Smith ( for more information. 

APA Style: ​Check out the library's APA Style Guide.

AMA Style: ​Need help with AMA style?  See the library's AMA Style Guide.

Library Subscription Apps

The Micromedex app is free to download but you'll need to follow activate the app by connecting it to South College's subscription. This can be done either on or off-campus, and instructions detailing this process are available below:

Register for a Login ID to use the Natural Medicines app and to accrue CE/CME credits. On the Natural Medicines homepage, click the "Get Your Login ID" button at the top of the screen to register. 

Sign up for the Sanford Guide App: Create a free account to access the Sanford Guide Collection on a mobile device. Please note that you may be required to be on campus to register

Renew Sanford Guide App Access

To use the UpToDate app, you must register for an UpToDate account.  

Maintain app access: You must login to the browser version of UpToDate using the link below every 90 days to re-verify your account and maintain app access. Your app access will expire if you do not re-verify your account.

Pharmacy Ebook Collections


AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill Medical is designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements.


PharmacyLibrary is the best of pharmacy in one collection. PharmacyLibrary features APhA's authoritative textbooks, PharmacotherapyFirst, an interactive NAPLEX® review, more than 250 Active Learning Exercises easily adaptable for a variety of educational settings, case studies, and information from a variety of news sources.

ASHP Ebook Collection

ASHP's eBooks are fully searchable and can be viewed on any computer or mobile device. New titles are added on a regular basis and automatically become part of the full collection. Titles include Get the Residency, Maximize Your Rotations, and ASHP Best Practices.

Library Orientation

This orientation module is focused on Pharmacy resources.  For a general library orientation, please choose one of the location-based orientations on the library's Orientations page. 


Help with an Access Issue

Text: 865-217-7631

Pharmacist's Letter

Pharmacist's Letter access is provided through the School of Pharmacy for faculty and students. Please contact Stephen Smith ( for more information.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Jon Hudson
Parkside Library
400 Goody's Ln.
Knoxville, TN 37922