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Student Newsletter: 2023, Issue 2, Spring Quarter

Quarterly quick tips and intros about the Library Department for students.

Spring 2023

In This Edition: 

  • Career Resources
  • Student ID Cards
  • Resource Highlight: APA and AMA guides
  • Study Tip


Did You Know?

Career Resources

It’s never too early to become career-ready! The library website includes a Career Resources guide that provides recommendations to a variety of career-related content. The resources linked to in this guide can help you hone your professional skills, find career-specific job searches, build stellar resumes, write standout cover letters, and prepare for job interviews.


Student ID Cards

Do you know where to get your South College Student ID card? The Library & Resource Center at each campus is equipped with a camera and card printer to create your student ID on an as needed basis.  Use your ID card to borrow laptops, checkout books, and copy from the student printer.


Citation: References Help

How do I cite this anyway?

Chances are, your instructors have asked you to use a citation style like APA or AMA when writing a paper or even citing references in a PowerPoint.  Need help?  The library has guides for both APA Style and AMA Style, as well as librarians ready to help you review and edit your in-text citations and reference lists. 


Study Tip: Re-Reading is Not Studying

Instead, actively engage with the material:

  • Create a study guide
  • Design your own quiz and answer the questions
  • Teach the material to someone else
  • Draw concept maps or diagrams

Find more study tips in the library’s How to Study guide.


Contact Us  
Call: 865-251-1832
Text: 865-217-7631
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