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Student Newsletter: Library Tips

Quarterly quick tips and intros about the Library Department for students.

Summer 2024

In This Edition:   

  • Did You Know?   

  • Resource Spotlight: Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy 

  • Study Tip: Schedule Study Time 

Did You Know?  

Textbooks provide a great foundation, but library resources can take your discussions to the next level. Scholarly articles, ebooks, and databases offer the latest research and diverse perspectives you won't find in a single textbook. Integrating library sources into your posts strengthens your arguments and adds depth to the online conversation. Remember to cite all sources you use following your instructor's preferred citation style. This will not only give credit to the original authors but also allow your classmates to explore the resources you found helpful. 

Resource Spotlight: Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy  

Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is a series of video lessons created by Dr. Robert Acland that showcases real human dissections in their natural colors. The videos depict muscles, tendons, and joints in motion, providing a realistic view of human anatomy. This resource is particularly useful for students in health science programs because it allows them to see anatomy in a dynamic way, similar to how they will encounter it in a clinical setting. Compared to static images in textbooks, Acland's Video Atlas offers a more comprehensive understanding of how the body's structures move and function together.  

Study Tip:  

Online learning offers flexibility, but it can also be easy to get sidetracked. A well-defined study routine can help online students stay on track. This means scheduling specific blocks of time in your week for studying specific subjects, just like you would for in-person classes. Sticking to this routine will help you stay focused and avoid procrastination. 

For more study tips, go to the library’s How to Study guide.   

Thanks for reading!