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Faculty Newsletter: 2020, Issue 2, Spring Quarter

Quarterly quick tips and intros about the Library Department for faculty.

Spring 2020


Welcome to Spring Quarter 2020!  Your classes are online and so is the library.  Check out the Contact Us options at the end of this post, or contact your Program Librarian for help today.

In This Edition:

  • Linking in Canvas
  • Resource Highlight: Free trial resources during COVID-19
  • Did You Know? Interlibrary Loan
  • New! SCLibrary Blog

Linking in Canvas

Library Access in Canvas Courses
The library uses OpenAthens authentication for off campus access to our resources.  OpenAthens allows us to provide you with links to library subscription content that you can post directly in your Canvas courses for your students.  While this is primarily done with videos and ebooks added for specific courses, just about any library resource can be linked in Canvas.  See the attached handout for instructions on linking to library ebooks, videos, databases and ejournals in Canvas.  

Resource Highlight:

Free trial resources during COVID-19: Several vendors are offering free access to databases, ebooks, journals and videos to assist faculty and students experiencing a sudden move to all online classes.  The library is adding access and information on these trials to the Faculty Resources for Online Courses section of our COVID-19 information guide.  Currently activated trials include Visible Body, the FA Davis PT Collection (ebooks), Faculty Select and more. 

Did you know?

Interlibrary Loan
The library’s Interlibrary Loan service allows us to borrow books and copies of journal articles from other libraries when they can’t be found in our collection.  We borrow materials from libraries all over the country.  Find out more information about Interlibrary Loan (ILL) on the library website, or contact our ILL staff directly at with questions. 

SCLibrary Blog

The library now has a blog!  We’re using this feed to provide monthly information updates as well as in the moment new subscriptions and additions to the library collections.  Come check it out and subscribe today!

Contact Us
About Us
Call: 865-251-1832
Text: 865-217-7631
Or drop a question in our Ask a Librarian chat online.

Thank you for reading!