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Faculty Newsletter: 2021, Issue 3, Summer Quarter

Quarterly quick tips and intros about the Library Department for faculty.

Summer 2021

In This Edition: 

  • Summer Quarter In-service: Introduction to Interlibrary Loan
  • Resource Highlight: Statista Pro
  • Did You Know? The Library Orientation Course in Canvas has been Updated.
  • Catch the Replay: Spring In-service Recordings 

Coming Soon! Summer Quarter In-service

Introduction to Interlibrary Loan
The library provides access to a wide variety of ejournals and ebooks for all programs of study.  Yet we realize that the research available goes beyond our collection.  Like other libraries, the South College Library offers Interlibrary Loan as a service to fill the gaps by borrowing books and article copies from other institutions.  Join James Gill, our Interlibrary Loan Librarian, for an in-service on interlibrary loan on July 14th at 10:30am EST.  Unable to attend live?  The recording will be provided to all registrants.  

Register for the in-service.   

Resource Highlight

Statista Pro
New for the Summer Quarter, a statistics database, Statista. Statista provides current market figures and forecasts for the most important consumer goods within a total of more than 200 markets. All key figures are internationally comparable and are based on extensive analyses of data from national and international statistical offices, associations, company reports, our research staff, and the trade press. Check it out in the Resource of the Month box on the library homepage.  

Did You Know? 

The Library Orientation Course in Canvas has been Updated. 
The library offers a Library Orientation Course in Canvas with versions of the course targeted for each city as well as the online campus.  The orientation is intended for online courses and programs, and courses located at a learning site that does not employ an on-ground librarian.  On-ground faculty with large class sizes that are difficult to accommodate in the library computer labs, or where class time is at a premium, may make use of the online course in place of a traditional, in-person library orientation. 

For Summer Quarter, The Library Orientation course in Canvas has been updated with a new URL.  If you are linking to the library course, please update your link to: 

Catch the Replays

Did you miss the library in-services in May or June?  
Watch the recording of “Hyperdrive your Courses: Hyperlinking to the Library’s Resources" from April 14, 2021.   
Access Passcode: x*M61P^#

Watch the recording of “Copyright Considerations in a For-Profit Institution” from June 8, 2021. 
Access Passcode: aR0M#*.b

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